8 Best LLC Services for Business Formation

Best LLC Services Overall

Written by:

Carolyn Young has over 25 years of experience in business in various roles, including bank management, marketing management, and business education.

Reviewed by: Sarah Ruddle

For over 15 years, Sarah Ruddle has been a noteworthy leader in the business and nonprofit world.

Best LLC Services Overall

Best LLC Services Overall

Starting a business is exciting – and a lot of hard work. A key early step is forming a business entity with your state to make it official. Most entrepreneurs create a limited liability company (LLC) because of the many benefits, including pto focus on making money.

But with dozens of LLC formation services, finding the right fit can be challenging. So, lucky for you, we’ve reviewed the top LLC formation services to help you choose the best option for you and your business. 

8 Best LLC Formation Services


Tailor Brands offers tools to help businesses promote themselves online, such as an AI-powered logo generator, social media theme maker, and website builder.


ZenBusiness is registered as a public benefit corporation,  a business entity that serves a social purpose. It has a reputation for making it easy to form your LLC.


Northwest Registered Agent provides a smooth and pleasant customer experience. Chat, email, and phone support are reliable and informative, with minimal upselling.


Incfile’s Silver Plan is free (state fees only) and hard to beat. In addition, it comes complete with a year of registered agent services.


LegalZoom’s website is clean, informative, and extremely easy to navigate. Using the site to form your business takes a matter of minutes.


CorpNet distinguishes itself with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are unhappy with your service, they claim they will provide a full refund.


BizFilings makes adding or declining services for your chosen plan easy – all on one page without sales pitches.


Rocket Lawyer offers a subscription of $39.99 that provides access to several helpful business services and legal documents.

1. Tailor Brands

Tailor Brands is a modern LLC formation service focusing on the needs of digital entrepreneurs. Beyond formation filing, they offer various tools to establish your new brands, such as AI-generated logo design, website building, and branded merch printing.

Since its founding in 2015, Tailor Brands says it has helped over 30 million people form businesses. Its mission is to “make business creation easy, fun, and accessible to everyone.”

Features and Pricing


For 0$ plus state fees, Tailor’s Lite plan will form your LLC with standard processing, which will take up to 14 business days to send out your document.


At $199 annually plus state fees, The Essential plan includes all of the above plus expedited filing, compliance monitoring, and an operating agreement.

Note that expedited filing only means that Tailor will file your documents with the state within two days. Beyond that, your state will process your filing according to its standard processing time. Unlike competitors, Tailor Brands doesn’t offer a way to expedite your filing with the state.

With compliance monitoring, Tailor will file annual reports and update you on your state’s compliance requirements and deadlines. State filing fees apply.

This is a good deal for entrepreneurs who need an operating agreement and help to stay in good standing. But after the first year, you’ll pay $199 for the compliance tool. So, the smart move may be to cancel the plan after a year once you get your bearings on staying compliant. 


The Elite plan includes everything from the Essential plan plus a year of a free domain, eight free logos, a website builder, a digital business card page that displays your links and products, a social media post maker, and a business card design tool. It costs $249 annually plus state fees.

The Elite plan shows off Tailor’s online business-building tools. Once you make an account with Tailor, you’ll have access to their online business management platform, where you can file and view official documents, create your website, and design assets to promote your online store – all in one place.

This package offers good value for new e-commerce entrepreneurs looking to establish a respectable online business. Though some competitors also offer a free year of a domain name, Tailor is unique in providing tools that help you design your logo and promote your business online and off. 

If you’re not interested in these digital perks, you’d likely be better off with a cheaper package or looking elsewhere.  

Customer Service

Tailor’s website is well-designed and includes a cute clipart, creating a pleasant visual experience. Ordering is fast and easy to complete.

Tailor Brands’ customer service is quite spotty – they’re aggressive in upselling and pushing you to complete your order. Still, there’s no live chat service, and the email and phone reps are ill-equipped to answer questions clearly and professionally.

We’d recommend you thoroughly read the pricing details of every item before you purchase it to avoid any nasty shocks down the road.

Pros and Cons


  • Unique and valuable e-commerce tools
  • Competitive pricing
  • All-in-one business management platform
  • Easy-to-use website


  • Hidden fees and deadlines
  • Lengthy ordering process
  • Aggressive and inadequate customer service

The Verdict

Tailor Brands raises the bar for digital entrepreneurs with an impeccably designed website and services geared toward e-commerce and digital marketing. 

On the downside, Tailor’s customer service is problematic, its sales pitches are near-constant, and its prices are sometimes hidden in the fine print. 

Tailor’s offerings are sparse and expensive if you’re planning a brick-and-mortar shop. But if you’re diving into the digital marketplace, we strongly recommend Tailor’s Elite plan, which offers some invaluable tools at a reasonable price. 

2. ZenBusiness

Launched in 2017, ZenBusiness is a relatively new entrant into the business formation market but has become a significant player. Zen offers three competitively priced service packages and a la carte services.

ZenBusiness is a public benefit corporation (PBC) formed to benefit the public and make money. ZenBusiness aims “to promote entrepreneurship by providing accessible products and responsive support.”

Features and Pricing

Starter Plan

The Starter Plan offers free name availability search and business formation with standard filing times. To clarify, business formation means that the service provider, in this case, ZenBusiness, requests all of your business information and enters it into the relevant state form, which is often an articles of organization document for LLC creation. 

The state then processes the completed and filed doc and, assuming all the information is accurate and the name is acceptable, confirms the formation of the LLC, often in less than two weeks. 

The Starter Plan includes several extras, such as expense tracking, tax deduction tagging, a tax savings consultation, full customer support, and online document access. In addition, as mentioned above, the plan comes with one year of worry-free compliance, which means you’ll receive reminders of required filings. 

After the first year, this will automatically renew each year for $199 unless you cancel.  

At the cost of state filing fees only, ZenBusiness’ Starter Plan is a fantastic value compared to some competitors, which charge a fee for their entry-level package. This plan should provide a bit of zen to the new entrepreneur looking for an affordable business launch.

Pro Plan

The Pro Plan offers everything in the Starter Plan plus expedited filing, a customizable operating agreement template, and worry-free compliance for free for as long as you like, including two free document amendments.

At an annual $199, this plan is a good value if you’d like help with your operating agreement and appreciate the compliance assistance. If not, you could add the operating agreement template and expedited filing to the Starter Plan for a one-time fee of $174.

This plan is best for business owners who could use some help keeping up with reporting due dates.

Premium Plan

With the Premium Plan, you get everything in the Pro Plan plus rush filing and a business website, email, and domain name. 

At $299 annually, this plan seems overpriced, as you could acquire a website and domain name from GoDaddy for much less. The Starter and Pro plans are better deals. This plan could fit the bill if you want a one-stop shop for compliance and website needs. 

Customer Service

Setting up an account takes less than 15 minutes, which is fast. The site is easy to use, but finding all the plan information is challenging. But the navigation to enter business information is simple and intuitive, so the experience is okay overall. 

Chat customer service is responsive. Email customer service is slow but informative, while phone customer service is reliable, with minimal upselling. 

Overall, ZenBusiness offers a positive customer experience.

Pros and Cons


  • Starter and Pro Plans are excellent value
  • Strong BBB and TrustPilot ratings
  • Quality customer service
  • Aims to boost entrepreneurship


  • Reviews mention cancellation issues
  • Information on the site can be difficult to find
  • Premium Plan seems overpriced

The Verdict

Compared to most competitors, ZenBusiness stacks up well. The Starter and Pro Plans offer good value, prompt and reliable customer service, and positive customer reviews.

Detailed plan information could be more easily accessible, and the negative reviews about cancellations are concerning. But given our overall experience, we confidently recommend ZenBusiness to new business owners. 

3. Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest Registered Agent, founded in 2006, offers one service package and several a la carte or add-on services. The company used to differentiate itself by providing a one-year payment plan for its business formation service package, but they no longer do so.

They now try to differentiate themselves with “Corporate Guides” – representatives that help you select services and walk you through the process. 

Features and Pricing

At $225 plus state fees, Northwest’s package includes business formation, free registered agent services for a year, a business address, an operating agreement, and a few extras. 

This plan is a reasonably good value, considering that registered agent services are included, and an operating agreement is a critical document.  

If you opt out of the registered agent services, you’re still charged the total package price of $225. Thus, if you’re not interested in Northwest’s registered agent services, looking at competitors’ formation packages is a good idea. 

Customer Service

Information on the site is relatively easy to find, and pricing is transparent, but navigation could be clearer. The actual purchase process is relatively smooth and takes less than ten minutes.

Dealing with their customer service representatives is a pleasure. Chat, email, and phone support are prompt, and agents are friendly and professional. 

Pros and Cons


  • Package offers good value if you need all the services
  • Registered agent price is very competitive
  • Excellent customer service
  • Fast turnaround times


  • Not as many service offerings as competitors
  • Surprise fees mentioned in customer reviews
  • A single package offers little value if you don’t need registered agent services.

The Verdict

Our experience with Northwest Registered Agent’s customer service was delightful, and the website is reasonably easy to navigate. 

Their single business formation plan offers excellent value if you need registered agent services, and the services renew at a great rate. Despite a few claimed issues and surprise fees, their customer reviews are good. Fast business formation turnaround times are a big plus.

Based on our overall experience, particularly with customer service, we recommend Northwest Registered Agent to new business owners. 

4. Incfile

Founded in 2008, Incfile advertises itself as “your one-stop shop for building your business.” They offer three business formation service plans and a host of add-on services. In addition, their plans provide more included services than most competitors. 

Features and Pricing

Silver Plan

In addition to business formation, the Silver Plan includes a name availability search and a year of registered agent services. This plan is hard to beat for state fees only, mainly as it consists of a free year of registered agent services. 

Gold Plan

The Gold Plan includes everything in the Silver Plan plus EIN acquisition, a banking resolution, an operating agreement, and other services. At $199 plus state fees, this plan offers much more than the comparable plans of competitors.

Platinum Plan

The Platinum Plan includes everything in the Gold Plan plus business contract templates, a domain name, email, and rush filing of your LLC formation documents. Even at $299 plus state fees, this plan offers solid value compared to the competition.

Customer Service

Overall, the site is easy to use, and information is readily available. In addition, the business formation process is simple, even though the somewhat aggressive upselling is a real turn-off. 

Still, the process was relatively smooth and done in less than 10 minutes. Chat and phone support are prompt and friendly, but email support could have been more responsive in our experience.

Pros and Cons


  • All service plans offer excellent value
  • Affordable registered agent services
  • Positive customer reviews
  • Good customer service


  • Slow turnaround times
  • Aggressive upselling during business formation
  • Slow email support response

The Verdict

Overall, we were impressed with Incfile. The website is straightforward, and the plans offer real value. 

Their customer service is solid, and they have overwhelmingly positive reviews. Their turnaround times are slower than competitors, however, and have caused some customers to complain.

Yet based on our positive experience and the overall value, we highly recommend Incfile to entrepreneurs and small business owners.  

5. LegalZoom

Launched in 2001, LegalZoom has grown into a leader in the business formation market, known mainly for its legal services, such as estate and trust planning. They offer three business formation packages, including a free entry-level plan.

Features and Pricing

Basic Plan

The Basic Plan includes business formation with standard filing time, a digital welcome packet, and a customizable business website. 

At the cost of state filing fees only, LegalZoom’s Basic Plan is a great value and perfect for a business owner just looking to form an LLC and get going. Additional services can be added if desired. 

Pro Plan

The Pro Plan includes everything in Basic, an operating agreement, an EIN, a business license guide, and a tax and insurance consultation. With those extras, this plan is quite competitive. 

Premium Plan

The Premium Plan offers everything in the Pro Plan plus expedited filing. This plan pays $50 more than the Pro Plan for quicker filing. So if you’re in a hurry to get your business up and running, this plan is for you.

Customer Service

LegalZoom’s website is simply fantastic. Information is readily available, and navigation is simple. Going through the process of forming an LLC is quick and easy and takes about five minutes.

LegalZoom’s customer support is quite good via chat, email, and phone. Email responses are sluggish, but that’s not unusual. Customer support agents do not try to upsell, which is a plus.

Pros and Cons


  • Well-established company
  • Free entry-level package
  • Mostly positive reviews
  • Good customer service


  • Registered agent services are expensive
  • Customers complain of difficulty canceling recurring services
  • Premium Plan offers poor value

The Verdict

LegalZoom offers a great experience from the word “go.” Information is easy to find, and products and services are straightforward. For example, going through the process of forming an LLC is simple, quick, and smooth.

Overall, their services and packages offer good value, particularly their free Basic Plan, although their registered agent services are pricey compared to competitors.

Customer service is solid, and the company has numerous positive reviews. Based on our research and overall experience, we strongly recommend LegalZoom to new business owners. 

6. CorpNet

Formed in 2009, CorpNet is one of the lesser-known players in business formation services. CorpNet offers three business formation plans and various other services to help entrepreneurs run their businesses.

CorpNet distinguishes itself with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are unhappy with your service, they claim they will provide a full refund. 

Features and Pricing

Basic Plan

In addition to business formation, the Basic Plan includes a name availability search, corporate compliance tool, and registered agent services for 60 days.

Several competitors, including ZenBusiness and LegalZoom, offer similar plans for a cost of state filing fees only, so CorpNet’s Basic Plan for $79 is not exactly a bargain. 

Deluxe Plan

The Deluxe Plan includes everything in Basic plus an EIN and registered agent services for a year. However, at $199, this plan offers few added benefits, particularly as the registered agent services renew at $149 annually.

Complete Plan

The Complete Plan includes everything in the Deluxe Plan plus an operating agreement template, lifetime customer support, and certified copies of your formation documents.

At $249, this plan is the best value of the three compared to competitors. 

Customer Service

Information is initially challenging to find but appears as you go through the formation process. When you choose a plan, you’re offered additional services, but not intrusively, like some competitors. Overall, the experience is reasonably pleasant.

Their customer support could be better. For example, phone representatives route you to sales, even when you just ask a simple question. On the other hand, email support is reasonably responsive. 

Pros and Cons


  • Registered agent services are good value
  • Mostly positive customer reviews
  • Wide variety of services


  • Plans are poor value compared to competitors
  • Aggressive, pushy customer service
  • Poorly laid out website

The Verdict

Our experience with CorpNet was a mixed bag. The site is relatively easy to use, and ordering is quick and straightforward, but customer service is mainly sales-driven.  

However, they offer more a la carte services than competitors so that customers can address their business needs in one place. Their two lower-tier plans include little for the price, but their top-tier Complete Plan offers good value.

We recommend CorpNet for new business owners seeking help with various business tasks. 

7. BizFilings

With over 20 years of experience, BizFilings knows business formation. They offer customizable packages and transparent pricing to get your LLC up and running quickly.

CT Corporation, an industry leader in information and registered agent services, owns BizFilings. CT Corporation is owned by Wolter Kluwer, a global information services firm that counts four out of five Fortune 500 companies among its customers.

BizFilings is a major player in business formation.

Features and Pricing

Basic Package

The Basic Package costs a one-time $99 plus state fees and includes business formation and three months of registered agent services.  

This plan offers moderate value – some other providers offer a $0 basic package that does not include free registered agent services.

The downside is that this plan includes no extras, such as an operating agreement template or obtaining an EIN, which some providers have in basic packages. You also need to pay extra for expedited filing.

But if you’re an experienced entrepreneur who knows all about official documents and is unconcerned about price, the Basic Package is a solid option. 

Standard Package

The Standard Package is a one-time $229 charge plus your state’s expedited filing fee. It includes everything in the Basic Package, an LLC kit and seal, a DVD with customizable samples of necessary LLC forms, and expedited processing service.

The LLC kit is a physical binder with ten custom-made LLC owner certificates, a membership transfer ledger, operating agreement templates, examples of meeting minutes, notice waivers for members, and resolutions of action. It also includes a custom embossed seal for stamping documents.

Alongside the forms in the binder, the Standard Package includes a Forms CD with templates for record-keeping and other business documents in PDF and Word formats.

For $130 more than Basic, the Standard plan’s perks are expedited service and the binder and CD. You should probably go a different route if you primarily use digital forms. But this could be your plan if you’re an old-school entrepreneur who prefers physical documents.   

Complete Package

The Complete Package costs $359 plus state fees. It includes everything in the Standard Package plus EIN obtainment, initial compliance filings (if required by your state), a compliance kit, certified copies of your documents, and expedited return of your return documents via UPS Overnight shipping.

BizFilings will use your digital signature to obtain an EIN from the IRS, which you’ll need to open a business bank account, file taxes, and apply for licenses and permits, so this is a helpful service. 

If your state requires new LLCs to file an initial annual or biennial report, BizFilings will prepare and file the first one for you and send you a compliance kit with the relevant forms and a DVD explaining how to do it yourself next time. 

Compliance requirements vary from state to state, so this guide helps new entrepreneurs remain in good standing. But be aware that your Complete Package will also include fees for this initial filing.

Certified copies of your incorporation documents might also be required to open a business bank account, obtain licenses, or process a court case. In addition, you’ll pay an added fee to obtain them in some states. 

The main benefit of this plan is the EIN, compliance filing and kit, and certified copies, which some other service providers include in less expensive packages. In addition, the EIN and certified copies aren’t challenging to obtain, and most states don’t require initial compliance filing.

But if you’re a new entrepreneur swimming in red tape, the Complete Package could provide peace of mind and helpful knowledge on keeping your company compliant.

Customer Service

Though Bizfilings’ ordering process is relatively quick and simple, it presents several pop-ups and traps that might cost entrepreneurs. On the positive side, the form is straightforward and offers simple explanations. 

The constant attempts to upsell rush filing are annoying. If you fail to find your way out of mandatory registered agent services, you’ll be stuck paying an annual registered agent fee or a fee to change your registered agent with the state. 

Chat, email, and phone support are a bit hit or miss. Answers are prompt but often need to be clarified. 

Pros and Cons


  • Customizable packages
  • Relatively smooth and straightforward ordering
  • Decent customer service


  • Pricey
  • Marginal benefits, such as physical documents and CDs
  • Need to pay a premium for basics like an EIN
  • Lack of transparency on renewal of registered agent services

The Verdict

BizFilings provides premium services at a premium price. We liked how easy it was to compare and customize plans; though their customer service was less than stellar, the website’s aggressive upselling was somewhat off-putting. 

BizFilings’ three free months of registered agent service seems like a trap to ensnare customers into overpaying for their registered agent services. They also provide services that seem out of place in the digital era, such as binders and CDs. 

If you’re a new entrepreneur on a budget, BizFilings is probably a bit pricey and leaves out some essential services. But if money is no object, BizFilings’ services are solid and will save you much time and effort.

8. Rocket Lawyer

Rocket Lawyer, established in 2008, offers a variety of business and legal services. They offer a subscription that gives you a discount on their services. With a paid subscription, you can form your LLC for state fees. 

Features and Pricing

To form your LLC, Rocket Lawyer will gather the necessary information and file the document, usually articles of organization, with the state. 

The service costs $99 without a subscription, considering that some competitors only do this for state fees with no subscription required.

The $99 fee is waived with a subscription, but you’ll pay $39.99 monthly, so it’s a good deal if you utilize Rocket Lawyer’s other services and documents.

Note that you can sign up for a subscription with a seven-day free trial, then cancel your subscription as soon as your LLC is formed. Surprisingly, I learned this from Rocket Lawyer’s customer support. They told me it was possible without actually recommending it. 

They are sincere, and upfront or hope people will forget to cancel their subscriptions, which is quite common. 

I also saw several customer reviews about canceling the subscription after they got the service they needed before the free trial expired. So it does indeed seem doable. 

Customer Service

Overall, the site is easy to use, although it would be nice to see a page with all services listed with both their non-subscription and subscription prices. 

Registration and ordering are smooth and take less than ten minutes. Overall, a pleasant experience.

Rocket Lawyer lacks chat support, which is disappointing, but email and phone support are prompt and professional. 

Pros and Cons


  • Subscription offers decent value
  • Mostly positive reviews
  • Easy-to-use website


  • No chat feature
  • Business formation is expensive for non-members
  • Fewer services than competitors

The Verdict

Rocket Lawyer is hard to compare to its competitors because of its unique subscription model. Nevertheless, we were pleased with our overall experience on the site and with customer support. However, we wish that information on their products and services was more accessible. 

They have primarily positive reviews, and if you subscribe, you can form your LLC for state fees only in addition to the subscription fee. You’ll also have access to a variety of business and legal documents. 

If you want to form your LLC and need no other services, you’re probably better off going elsewhere and paying less. But a Rocket Lawyer subscription could save you many attorney fees if you expect an ongoing need for business and legal documents. 

Why Should I Use an LLC Formation Service? 

Forming an LLC involves filing a document, usually called the articles of organization, with your state. Each state has its document, and the information required and the filing fee vary by state. The turnaround time varies but is usually between a few days and weeks. 

A business formation service can handle the entire process for you. They will gather the required information and file all the necessary documents with the state. Some even offer expedited filing, so your LLC is formed quickly, and you can start generating revenue. 

A business formation service saves you the time and trouble of dealing with your government. If you decide to do it yourself and need help, you’ll have to contact your state, which can be a hassle. With a business formation service, you’ll have full customer support until the process is done. 

What to Look for When Choosing an LLC Formation Service

Researching all the business formation services is a ton of work. But we’ve found the four main factors to consider.

Range of Services

In addition to business formation, these firms offer other services you may need. For example, most offer an operating agreement template that can be customized for your business. Many also provide annual report services, so you don’t have to worry about meeting deadlines.

Business formation outfits generally offer packages of services as well as a la carte options. Therefore, you should evaluate each company’s offerings to ensure you get everything you need.


Prices vary from service to service, and you’ll want to get the best deal.

If you can get everything your company needs at a lower price, it’s certainly a factor to consider. However, when you add services to your plan, the cost can add up fast, so be sure to examine the final prices before deciding. 

Customer Support/Experience

Our reviews test all forms of customer service for each provider. It’s also essential, however, to see what actual customers say about the service. 

The Better Business Bureau and TrustPilot are great resources, so we’ve examined the ratings from each site for each of the services reviewed.


The various business formation services are often known as key differentiators, such as good (or bad) customer service, low (or high) prices, or other features. As a result, some companies are more well-known than others.

If you investigate online, you can probably discover what they’re known for and how customers feel about them. 


What is the best website to make an LLC?

There are several online LLC formation services. Some have an entry-level service package that is free except for state fees. A few of those include ZenBusiness, LegalZoom, and IncFile.

Where is the cheapest place to create an LLC?

California is currently waiving its fees for LLC formation, but after June 30, 2023, it will revert to its standard fee. After that, Kentucky is the cheapest state to form an LLC, coming in at $40. 

However, it’s usually best to set up your LLC in your home state if that’s where you do business. For example, if you form an LLC in California or Kentucky, but your home state is Ohio, you’ll still have to register as a foreign LLC in Ohio. Then you’ll be subject to the requirements, laws, and sometimes taxes in both states.

Where is the best place to start an LLC?

Delaware and Wyoming are considered favorable states to start an LLC. However, it’s usually best to set up your LLC in your home state if that’s where you do business.